Painting War

Painting War is a book series out of Spain (published in English) . Each issue of PaintingWar will focus on a particular period and army. For instance Issue 1 focuses on WWII German Army and Issue 2 covers the Napoleonic French army. The magazine lays out a step-by-step guide to preparing and painting figures including sections on Uniforms & Equipment, Weapons, Cavalry, Artillery & Horses and much more. Issue 1 features the work of Ruben Torregrosa aka "Heresybrush", the Warlord Games master painter. Issue 2 features the work of Rafael Pérez "Archiduqe" , the painting techniques of Claudia Zuminich are featured in issue 3 and José Antonio Bustamante is featured in issue 4. Painting War Volume 5 is the second Painting War volume By Rubén "HeresyBrush" Torregrossa. View our full Product Spotlight on Painting War